We are a company created in 1988. We have vast experience in the manufacture and trade of all kinds of school backpacks, travel luggadge, sport bags and more. Currently, we are more focused in import/export. The product range available to our clients is, evermore, increasing in quality and variety. Our philosophy is based on the constant search and development of quality products. With the client satisfaction in mind, our goal is to deliver well manufactured and appealing collections at a great price tag.


We like to innovate each year. We create or import a variety of new school products to keep up with the market and fashion flow.

With our more than two decades of experience we’ve got to know the market. Keeping our good standards in mind, we like to create our own innovations, our own brands.
With thew expansion of our company in view, we participate in several national and European trade fairs to showcase as well as to manage new contracts with new and important licenses.


Trade Fairs

2020 Calendar
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Distinção IAPMEI
PME Líder 2019

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